Why Rhizomatic Learning, Pt. 2 #etmooc

In my last post, I said that networking is the lens through which I see most everything, or at least I try. I confess that I still have some old habits of mind, mostly that I’m unaware of, but when brought to mind, I do try to address them.…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? #etmooc

Okay, so I enjoyed the conversation about rhizomatic education over at Christina Hendricks’ blog, You’re the Teacher. In the conversation, I’m definitely championing rhizomatic, connectivist education, but why? I’ve been writing about this for a couple of years now, but can I state my point of view succinctly and reasonably clearly?…

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Simple vs Complex Definitions 2

In my last post, I started listing the problems I have with simple, reductionist, essentialist definitions and suggesting ways that complex definitions provide better, more workable results. The list of issues that I want to present is in no particular order, as my thinking is not yet ordered enough.…

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WAC: Writing to Learn across the Curriculum

I have the opportunity to design a new writing across the curriculum program for college, and I’m interested to see how I might translate theory into practice. I have been writing for three years now about networking, connectivism, and rhizomatic education, but it has all been rather abstract.…

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