Face-to-Face Huddle, On Safari, Open Discussion @AncasterSrPS

Last week for two days, ASPS students and staff hosted E-Learning Contacts from Northern Ontario. Often referred to as eLCs, these are educators whose focus is to support Ontario students with digital learning opportunities.  As well, learning alongside with us were Education Officers from the Ministry of Education.…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? #etmooc

Okay, so I enjoyed the conversation about rhizomatic education over at Christina Hendricks’ blog, You’re the Teacher. In the conversation, I’m definitely championing rhizomatic, connectivist education, but why? I’ve been writing about this for a couple of years now, but can I state my point of view succinctly and reasonably clearly?…

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Twitter #etmchat

Lots of ideas thrown out and discussed. Manic, crazy… and I loved every minute of it! It was a great turn-out.

It was interesting to see that some participants were having trouble with the pace, but were still willing to give it a try and offer their comments and opinions.…

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Why Connectivism?

I’ve not blogged in over a month, and I have a serious case of disconnection. I’m irritable about it. Really. I’m not so pleasant just now, and I think a large part of it has to do with my loss of connection with my writing, my thoughts, my conversation.…

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Is Your Connectedness Showing?

The Web is connection.  It’s about how google, twitter, skype, text, facebook,webinar, podcasts, blog posts, skype, wiki and so on connects us.   Thankfully, the list can, does and will go on and on. I’m grateful for my connectedness and how it … Continue reading

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