What I’m Learning: The Facilitation Toolbox

I came across this toolbox for helping folks to facilitate online learning and online communities of practice. I really like the advice that they present, as well as their focus on curating and facilitating experiences. I also really like that they used a Google+ hangout to help develop the content for this organic course structure.…

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#OpenEd13 Presentation – We Have Lost the Term “MOOC”

Video of my presentation MOOCseum:  Using the Open Movement to Invigorate Local Museums is posted below.  Attendees were engaged and responsive, and the numbers were impressive especially considering this was the final presentation slot at the conference.

Attendees were interested in the potential at the confluence point of MOOCs and Museums, and the Q&A session (unfortunately not all caught on camera; I went over my allotted time) captured some of those possibilities (opening up two-way communication at museums beyond a set MOOC date, incorporation into non-art entities, augmented technologies to spur communication and supplemental learning.  …

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The Big Bear, Online Learning and Connections

I’ve been following #etmooc with interest, but with the hectic first week in our Electronic Village Online about neuroscience in Education (#brainELT), I haven’t been much of a contributor, but an active listener.

What I’ve been trying to explore with much interest and anticipation is how a MOOC develops, unfolds, how conversations start and persist, and, mainly how participants perceive this whole experience of being in a massive online professional development opportunity and react to it.…

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