First let me say, I joined clmooc and I am very excited,Making Learning Connected, how much more can a 21st century educator or self appointed connectivist such as myself ask for. I see some old faces and connections and many new ones to make, very exciting.
We have some great facilitators and I am really looking forward to it. I love the concept of Make Cycles as each week/session is dedicated as such. I missed the first weeks session but that’s OK, I watched it last night, posted here.
I love the idea of Find Fridays where we are challenged to go out and make connections via blogs, comments, google plus etc. What a great way to help foster connectivity in a large MOOC. So I hope to connect with some of you for joint projects soon! This week I’m playing catch up and didn’t want to do my introduction/make in my usual ways, for example, My animoto below, Go ahead watch it if you want.
I’m taking on what I thought we be a new but easy challenge, I have loved Scratch from MIT for years and have actively taught it for four years now. Well, I havent been to the site or taught it in oh six, seven months and boy have there been some amazing changes. Maybe they happened earlier and I never looked, I just taught and uploaded off of version 1.4.
To look at the new online interface and new features is awesome! So While yes, I will be making a Scratch Introduction, I will be taking the time to learn all the new online tools and am looking forward to the journey. I’ll post as soon as I’m done and let you know what I think.
I am looking forward to sharing and learning with my new clmooc community. As I finish this post I am already pondering this weeks questions.
What does it mean to be a maker? Why make? Why now?
What happens when makers converge around shared interests and purposes? What opportunities might we seize? What barriers do we face?
- How do we find and build diverse and inspiring networks of people, resources, and places that support our making and learning?
Thank you clmooc, I am already reflecting and I love it. 🙂