Deleuze, Serres, and the Desires of Prepositions

What I propose here is a travelog, the flow and emergence of an idea. I want to ride the Chattooga River of my blog posts over the past year, and along the way, I want to map the desires of prepositions and determine what the desires of these little words have to do with the ways we conduct higher education.…

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Prepositions as the Rhizomatic Heart of Writing

I never expected to be writing about prepositions, but it’s the approach I’ve decided to take with the Rhizo14 auto-ethnography, so I want to sketch what I think I’m doing and why and how I’m doing it. This is a preliminary sketch, so expect abrupt turns of the page and new, emergent directions.…

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Practical View of the Rhizome for #rhizo14

I’ve joined Dave Cormier’s MOOC Rhizomatic Learning – The community is the curriculum (#rhizo14), and I want to respond to his challenge for Week 1 to provide an immediately accessible idea of what the rhizome is. This is quite a challenge because I’m not sure that the rhizome as a metaphor is so easily accessible for many people, in large part because it ignores so much of what we in Western …

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The Unconscious Reality

The second slippery aspect of the question do we know all of Reality refers to how we conceive knowledge. If knowledge is something conscious and mostly intellectual, then I don’t think we can know all of Reality, or even much of Reality.…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? Pt. 3 #etmooc

So does the rhizome bring anything to connectivism that it doesn’t already have? I don’t really know, but I do know that the rhizome helps me think about connectivism in ways that I otherwise find difficult. I also find rhizomatic thinking familiar and evocative for a teacher of writing and literature.…

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Boundaries and the Holographic Principle

I’ve been thinking of boundaries as included middles, or zones of engagement, which transcend the separation of entities into discrete units required by the classical logic of the excluded middle—A is A, A is not non-A, and there is no entity T which is both A and non-A.…

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Thinking Like Grass

Like most everyone else for the past six months, I’ve been thinking about MOOCs (note that on Susan Bainbridge’s current Connectivism Scoop page, easily half of the scooped articles are about MOOCs (2nd note: if you are at all interested in Connectivism and MOOCs, then you should follow Susan’s Scoop.…

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