No Sorry Here; Just Thanks

your choice! (cc) by marfis75, on Flickr

As #ETMOOC draws to a close, I wanted to take a few moments to thank everyone who pushed my learning via their writing, discussion, and creation. You all rock!

Here are my general takeaways from this awesome experience:

  1. The smartest person in the room is THE ROOM. I learned so much from every participant in this class. While I didn’t post for every topic, I did stay connected via the Google Community. Whether I was writing or lurking, I was always impressed by the insight and wisdom of the group.
  2. We all have WAY TOO MUCH GUILT about learning. I read so many posts apologizing for leaving the conversation for a little while. In an on-demand world, we need to choose the learning we need and the times to engage. It’s ok to take a break, and we all need to be ok with that. (Myself included!)
  3. It’s important to know who’s filtering your information. With the demise of Google Reader, I’m starting to realize that many of the alternatives (such as Zite) influence what’s delivered to you (a la the Filter Bubble). You have some input, but it’s not as black & white as Google Reader was. This course serves as a model for helping educators to aggregate their collective know-how and to critically evaluate information that’s delivered in various online spaces.

Thank you for a great learning experience that will not be soon forgotten!