(Open) Attitude is Everything, Part 2

Cross-posted at The Educators’ Cafe.

Open is Welcoming

cc licensed Flickr photo by cogdogblog: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/6476689463/

In my final reflection on #ETMOOC Topic #4: The Open Movement – Open Access, OER & Future of Education, I am going to focus on OER. …

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(Open) Attitude is Everything, Part 1

Cross-posted at The Educators’ Cafe.

Time for change
After reflecting on the sessions I participated in, viewing the archives of the sessions I couldn’t participate in, reading blog posts, and skimming Storifys of #ETMOOC Topic #4: The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Education, my brain is once again in a state of jumbled awesomeness. …

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