2016 year review

Dear everyone,

2016 has been a big and different year in many ways. I have been traveling a journey which brought some answers to questions I have been asking for some time now. Lots of learning and some unexpected revelations I’d like to share with you in my 2016 annual review.

  • Discovery path to personal health and wellbeing 
  • Learning brings hope and motivation
  • Learning becomes practice
  • Welcoming the unexpected
  • Creative wounds I am healing
  • The book of the things I do not want to forget
  • Ritualing practice 
  • Side Effects of creativity
  • I founded Cultivate your passions in English
  • I am sharing my learnings and practice in Spanish with a new blog: Charlas Compartidas

I am grateful to Cynthia Morris who inspired and helped me to finally get here.

You can download a copy here