#opened12 – The First Pitch

The Voice By Shel Silverstein
There is a voice inside of you
that whispers all day long.
“I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.”
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
or wise man can decide
what’s right for you – just listen to
the voice that speaks inside.

Retrieved from: http://victoriadee.blogspot.ca/2010/01/monday-meditation-voice-by-shel.html

Today I gave my first “pitch” in front of a live audience since I tried to be the Student Union President in grade 9. I lost that election.

I pitched a 5 minute elevator speech at the Beyond Content Conference #opened12 in Vancouver, BC about The OC@ADLC. I had something planned, then redid the whole thing in the hour before the “pitch” time – no power points, no technology…just me and my dreams.

David Wiley – a personal “Geek Tech God” of mine….came up to me at the end and said to me, “You are my Hero” and gave me a hug.

So – I think it went well. My adrenaline is slowly leaving the system.

I stood up in front of about 150 people(?), shaking like more than a leaf, and spoke to the Open Online Community about myself, how I got here and my dream to bring open learning to k12.

I spoke about MOOCs, about Open Content and about why I think open “learning” is so much more than just  “open content”.  I spoke from my heart, alluded to the fact that Alberta is the most cutting edge province in Canada for open online learning and explained how a soccer mom could be so devoted to the MOOC phenomena.

At the end of my “brief description of the OC@ADLC  pilot” I asked for support from the online community.

I asked for experienced and passionate open online “people” to team up with and mentor some of the staff from ADLC. These “Team Facilitators” will act as the “Guides of the Side” for a Group of 20 students in the #odc1.

The educators will be responsible for supporting and encouraging the students and tracking how the course works.

Now I know. For my pilot, I would really like 100 students, 6 ADLC staff members and 6 Online Mentors to help bridge the gap between what we are “doing” and what we “can” do in online learning.

So – Here’s the lowdown:

#ODC1 – November 6-8, 2012

Focus – What does it mean to be an open digital citizen?

Three actvities a day.

The project will be inquiry based with a focus on interactions between students, social media integration, building relationships and building online community. This is the Live Binder of Resources to support the project.


If you would like to be part of this pilot, and ultimately part of TheOC@ADLC, please contact me directly:
vroberts at adlc.ca

What kids of activities would High School Students like to do online? What kinds of topics would you like me to consider? What could the OC@ADLC look like for you? Tell me what you think The OC@ADLC could look like.

Looking forward to your ideas….and thank you for giving me the chance to find my voice and define my passion today.

Verena :)