The lady who dared to write

Back in July I posted about dealing with goals with my learners. Today I’m going to share how we have assessed the process with this student in question.

She is an adult learner who takes her English classes very enthusiastically and we both like the process of learning together. She has become very passionate about learning English, and even adapted to using technology quite easily.

When we were discussing goals she told me: “Debbie I would like to dare to write”, that was not clear to me, the dare to write was somehow enigmatic, one can understand when a learner says “I’d like to improve my writing”, but “I’d like to dare to write” was at precise moment  a moment for reflection and sharing her very inner feeling, which we shared, she opened her soul to me and to her and we talked about her, shall I say fears?  

The process has been very enriching and we discovered many things together, we started slowly, very  slowly, by answering some questions she chose at Plinky, but creating a story using pictures, we watched a some video clips and doing some activities based on
The N° Ladies’ Detective Agency, which she adored and here, this story triggered her complete desire to write, and even asked me to help her write without much guidance. I think she was telling me she was ready to write, she wanted to write.

And there she went, she became unstoppable, it was so rewarding, it has made us to happy.  

Today December 19, was our last class this year, and we worked on the last details on what we both like to call “her first e-book”, and here I am proudly sharing it with you.

You feedback is as always helpful and encouraging, it helps us grow as teachers and as people. But this time it will be specially important because you will be encouraging the lady who finally dared to write. 

This will be one of the unforgettable moments in 2012.
