Open Learning Starts for January 2013!

open loop-oh

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Open Learning Options…..starting January 2013 – My choices….

MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses:

Educational Technology and Media
#etMooc – Developed by Alec Couros – starts: Week of January 13, 2013
Duration: 10 weeks with the goal to develop a community of learners in educational technology.

Learning Design for a 21st Century Curriculum
#oldsMOOC – Developed by a team – Open Learning Design Studio – starts: January 10, 2013
Duration: 9 weeks

A course to investigate Moocs – January 6-12, 2013

Introduction to Openness in Learning
Through the canvas network, facilitated by David Wiley – starts January 7, 2013

Open Learning:
CEET Open Courses: LearnNowBC