Hello world!

First Impressions

Everyone has an ahh-haa moment. Mine was the first day of the semester. A student asked me how I liked a previous work experience. I stared picture from Google Images blog.thereelist.comdeep into space while simultaneously my mind flashed back to an episode of my absolute all-time favorite TV sitcom, “How I Met Your Mother.” It was season 7, episode 5 where Ted – the hopeless romantic – finds himself in a moral battle whether or not to Google search his date’s name. After surfacing from my deep orbit, it was then I realized that the song  “It’s a Small World” had  rang out in chorus on a stage set as a mirage right before my very eyes. Finally a front row seat, but I’m uncertain how I feel about attending the concert. First impressions now extend beyond a face to face where the greeting, “Hello my name is…” is interrupted with a class exclaiming in unison, “We already know.” They Google searched me! And in that moment I realized just how small the world really is. The power of technology is powerful. In fact it’s…wait for it…Legen…wait for it…DARY!

picture originated from