Becoming a part of #etmooc

Today is the first day of …. learning a lot about how I can connect more effectively and creatively with a variety of people.  I’ll participate tonight in my first #etmooc and in order to get up to speed I’ve already done a number of projects just this morning that have been on my list since I retired in late July.  My participation in this learning project has caused me to start this blog, and as usual, I have become way more interested in the design part rather than the content part.  Still, I will get to the content.  I have all kinds of ideas for how I can use this blog.  But first, I must get back to the design part… so this has become my first blog post with this last thought from Ernest Hemingway as the stopping off point.

I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
Ernest Hemingway

And I am always inspired by my first view of the amazing city of Prague…