#etmooc Intro Challenge- Hawaiian Time

In Hawaii we have this thing called ‘Hawaiian Time”, which is basically…late.  I usually avoid being late but it looks like with the time difference I might be a little, shall we say, “off”.

For this Intro Challenge, I decided to use Projeqt. I demo’d it to my students last year but this is the first time I’ve really tried it (I’m more of a non-linear Prezi girl, though I have a crush on Vuvox).

Projeqt can embedd live RSS feeds and Twitter streams. Supposedly, you can do a voiceover but for the life of me I couldn’t find where to add it (looked at the help, on their blog, etc.)

Since I’m pretty transparent in the digisphere I thought assembling media to show who I am and why I might be involved in this course would be a nifty thing to do.

Screen Shot 2013-01-13 at 11.59.54 PM

Here’s the link since I’m having difficulties embedding

Filed under: etmooc Tagged: etmooc