#ETMOOC Introduction

Greetings fellow #ETMOOCers! 8348141673_f53033bae9_m

As you can already tell from my blog, I work as an instructional consultant for Regina Public Schools. Prior to being appointed consultant, I taught for a total of ten years, five at Kindergarten and then five at the grade eight level.

I’m still trying to figure out a whole bunch of things about teaching and learning and how we can dramatically transform both. I guess that is part of the reason I am looking forward to sharing, connecting, and learning with and from this network of amazing people. I have not taken a “course” since completing my Master of Ed Tech at UBC, so I’m looking forward to engaging in some professional learning and intellectual discourse. I’m also excited that several of my co-workers are also enrolled in #ETMOOC and hopefully we can continue to work and learn together far after #ETMOOC ends, if indeed it ever will truly END..dun, dun, dun.

Interesting fact: During my undergrad studies at the University of Regina, I took the first course Alec Couros ever taught in the Faculty of Ed. Back then we learned about Hyperstudio, Netscape Navigator, and a chat service called mIRC (I think). Things have changed just a bit since then.