My first blog post….thanks to #ETMOOC!

As the title of this post suggests, I am participating in #ETMOOC, which is a massive open online course about educational technology and media.  I don’t even remember when I signed up, but received an introductory email a few weeks ago.  At first I thought….oh no, what I did I sign up for!  I’m not sure what to expect, but my goals for this course are:

  • Start a blog(I can check that one off the list!)  I have always planned on starting a blog for a few reasons – 1)I find that writing/typing my thoughts and ideas helps me a ton.  It helps me  process and reflect on what I have done/learned.  So much can be learned in reflection!  2)Share what I have learned – hopefully someone will find it useful.
  •    Connect and learn how others are learning/instructing using technology.  For as much as I feel I know, there is still so much I don’t know and it’s way more fun to learn with others.
  •    Learn some tools more deeply.  I have a working knowledge of many tools, but often don’t take the time to really explore deeply what they can do.

What have I learned so far…..that for now the hardest part about setting up the blog was the naming and designing it!

Looking forward to the next ten weeks…………………………