Reflections on My First MOOC Session

My first feeling upon logging onto Blackboard tonight was one of feeling lost. However, a few things that were shared brought me some hope that I would not stay in that feeling of being lost for long. It is necessary to reframe my perspective while participating in a MOOC as it is a very different learning environment than anything I could have imagined or experienced. 

A MOOC is a CATALYST to learning. The approach should be one of participating and taking away a few points of interest/passion and run with it. Explore it. Research it. Read it. Watch it. Connect with other learners who LOVE it. Self-directed learning– sounds familiar.

In a MOOC one must challenge oneself to try new things. The thought of posting an introductory video of ME is most uncomfortable! I am not a shy person, but a private person and I will need time to digest this. However, this is a challenge, to step outside of my comfort zone in an effort to give and not just take.  

In connectivist learning one must give as much as they take. Initially I felt that I have do not have much to give, however, I do. I am in the infancy of learning about technology in education. There MUST be others out there like me. My hope is that I will connect with those learners and together we will share ideas and gain confidence together.

To answer Alec’s question, “how will I make my learning visible?” By doing what I just did. Exposing myself. Sharing what I have learned, and not judging myself as other’s may learn from me. Blogging, sharing, posting, chatting and continuing to believe I have something to offer.

“How will I contribute to the learning of others?” By showing up and participating. The answer to this question, interestingly enough, is the same response to the previous question.

I am looking forward to participating in this MOOC and I am positive I will be astonished at the change that will occur in me over the next 10 weeks!