Twitter – Educational Tool?

So I was hanging out tonight with other learners in the #etmooc. Tonights topic was Introduction to Twitter. This was also my first time using Blackboard Connect. This tool is awesome! Blows WIMBA away in a huge way. First, it did not crash my Chrom browser! Second, its super snappy. This is also my first mooc experience, and so far, with only a little exposure, this is the type of “online learning” that seems to resonate. MOOC’s seem to put the learners in the drivers seat, which is the way it should be.

Also, love how people can just vocally just jump in and contribute! Feels more like a real face-to-face class. This session  made me feel like I could actually partake/design an online course that did not feel static and drab.

Basically: Want to learn? Come on in and hang out.