A Brand New Twitterverse

I have a confession to make.  In my past, I was a twitter hater.  I really could not see the benefit to twitter.  Why would anyone want to know what I was doing all of the time?  Why would I want to post such information?

Then, a few months ago I happened to read an article on teachers using twitter. These teachers seemed so excited to be using twitter and thought that it was really beneficial to them.  They were using twitter to develop a PLN.  I wondered, what the heck is a PLN?  So, I decided to jump on the twitter band wagon (albeit a few years behind everyone else apparently).  What I found was a twitterverse of collaboration and of teachers from around the world sharing with each other. 

I am still trying to build up my PLN and am looking for some good people to follow.  Once I find someone good and look up who they are following and start following some of their followees.  Hope this is not considered cyber stalking! 

I am definitely still learning as I go along.  I really want to participate in a chat and am so disappointed about missing the #etmchat last night. 

On another note, I think I am going to try to put together a live binder or something where I can store all of the information and links for everything that I am learning from this course.  Still super enthusiastic, but life sometimes has a way of getting in between the things you want to do.  I am really greatful for the archives from etmooc so that I can go back and review the things that I have missed.