#etmooc day 2


Source :www.pinterest.com

Second day of etmooc was more a day of observing the dynamics of the course ,time to set calendars and fuses,getting to know many interesting  people through the introduction videos  and   the circles  of the community  . Time to choose  routes ,the amount of content is huge … The orientation week goes on with a lot of material to read , the first orientation session which is available here was very interesting because they were using blackboard and I had never used  this LMS before ,  it was a really important learning experience since I could learn something new and  useful  professionally speaking . This experience  was so rich , educators around the world interacting ,giving ideas and talking about their expectations , and their willingness to thrive . This event  wouldn’t be possible without technology ,It is about what we talk all the time  at schools ,technology is available for us to do something meaningful and not possible without it.When I was creating this blog I was thinking about the subtitle  and I chose this one ” far-reaching consequences for education ” not only because it’s directly linked to the title  and my admiration for everything Greek  but  because the experience of participating in a c- mooc is not only rewarding but life-changing . I  could help other educators   as well ,sharing  a post about tips of how to use googgle docs .  I believe it’s  one of the nicest  features of a mooc, the collaborative work  never stops and you  are free to express your doubts since  there are experts in everything and begginers in everything  and people are very willing to help you in your development and growth .Generosity is the  word to express my very first impression about etmooc .In Brazil there’s a writer called Gil Giardelli who says in his book called ” We are what we share “  that we’re not in the era of information anymore  but now we ‘re living in the era of participation and generosity ,and I agree with  his thoughts ,the results we can reach through collaborative work are amazing .We’re using technology to improve ourselves as educators and as human beings,become better in many aspects of our humanity  and I can’t wait to learn more and more .It’s pure epiphany !