Introduction to Me!

I did have full intents of making a video or some other interactive introduction however, with finals coming up, my time has been stretched thin and I am left with just text and picture. So, here it is! (You can also find this same info under the “About Me” tab.)

Welcome to my blog! My name is Kara Shaw and I am currently residing in Kipling, SK. I have been teaching for (just about) 2 years at Kipling School which is a K-12 school. I primarily teach math and history courses but this year have also been given the task of teaching grade 10 Accounting, a challenge that has been interesting as I have never taken an Accounting course so it has definitely been a learning curve!

Our school mascot is the Magyar which is a Hungarian warrior.

I have created this blog as I am participating in #etmooc a massive online collaboration of educators and those who are interested in technology. I am a huge advocate of using technology in the classroom. I have an active Twitter account, Wikispace, and Facebook page that I use to keep my students up to date on what is going on in the classroom as well as I use Remind101 on a regular basis to send out reminders (something that has really caught on with my students). I am also a certified SMART Notebook Trainer, a course that I completed in the fall. My goal in participating in #etmooc is to learn how to better integrate technologies into the classroom as well as

I was born in Calgary, AB and moved to Balgonie with my family in 1996 where I attended Greenall High School, the same high school my mom had attended. I was very involved during high school, participating in volleyball, track and SLC. It was here that I met several teachers who inspired me to pursue a career in teaching.

Greenall High School, Balgonie, SK

I attended the University of Regina and convocated in April 2010 from the Math Education program and took a maternity leave position in Kipling, I town I had never been to. Since then, my contract was extended and this year I got a permanent contract so I am here for a while! I coach the Sr. Boys volleyball team, am a co-coach for the track team and help with SLC at our school so I am always busy!

When not at school and not working on school things (which is not very often) I enjoy hanging out with my family and my dog. I spend a lot of my spare time outdoors on ATVs, camping, or just walking around, and almost an equal amount of time shopping (mostly for shoes!!).

Remington, my black lab and only “child”.