Getting Started

After a couple of false starts, here I am with a new blog, keen to make my contribution to etmooc. Having done the introductory activity- a voki introducing myself, setting up a google calendar and yesterday’s session on blogging with Sue Waters, I have already learnt heaps. That being said, I had down a voki before – about 2 years ago, but I successfully added it to a page on the school blog. That was an achievement in itself, but having decided that starting a whole new personal blog is the way to go, I’m not sure I’m be able to add it here. That’s my next challenge!

Having tweeted some of my difficulties with the original blog, and that I was going to start again with a new blog using Sue’s instruction post, I was surprised and pleased that Sue tweeted a reply. She set me on the right path very quickly. Little wonder edublogs got her on board, her instructions are so clear.

So what else did I learn yesterday? Well, I now know about Blackboard collaborate, and now have the app for it on my iPad. By the end of the session I was participating both on my laptop and via the app. I investigated google reader as suggested by Sue, but being cheap, went for the free app FeeddlerRSS which seems to work just as well, so I am now subscribed to the etmooc hub. One of the best things is that the suggestions and advice don’t just come from the presenters. I learnt just as much yesterday from other participants.

I have read a few blog posts already, but there are so many it’s hard to decide where to start. I’m just going to jump in. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to be in way over my head joining this mooc, (I’d never heard of a mooc and had to google it when our elearning leader sent out the information) but the fact that I have started this blog means it’s already been worth it.

So, now to see if I can upload my voki and then onto reading and commenting on some other blogs.