Introduction to etmooc community

Here is a link to my voki to introduce myself to the etmooc community

To add to this – I teach Maths to Yr 7 to 12 students, and some years I teach junior Science. Our Yr 7 and 8 students are moving into their 3rd year of a 1:1 iPad program. When the iPads were introduced the textbooks were taken away, though the Maths faculty did maintain access to a pdf version of a basic text.  At the time, I had Teacher Professional Leave with a focus on differentiation, so, as maths coordinator, I led the group of teachers in taking the opportunity to produce our own differentiated materials. 3 years on we are still working and refining. It was a very steep learning curve for us all, but looking back we have all learnt so much. We are definitely using the iPads more effectively and I believe that, for the most part, we are achieving the aim of increasing student engagement without sacrificing learning. The program is still rigourous, but students are able to learn and demonstrate their learning in a wider variety of ways.