My First MOOC

Well, this is it … no more excuses. I can’t hide behind my keyboard, computer screen, RSS, or Twitter Feed — I’m coming out! This is my very first MOOC but not my first online course. Admittedly, I prefer learning face to face because my verbal abilities are stronger than my written abilities. I want to change that. I also want to learn from others, around the world, because I’m not a stagnate being. I like change and I willingly push myself to be better at what I do. What do I do? I am an elementary school principal at the American International School – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. No, I do not go desert camping. No, I do not wear a Hijab. No, I do not drive. Yes, I love my job. Yes, I love the people I work with. Yes, sometimes I go bat crazy living here. But, who doesn’t go bat crazy every once in awhile? From this MOOC, I hope to connect with others, learn how I can better my digital leadership skills for our students and staff, and provide insight to others about my learnings after 15 years in education. I look forward to building online relationships and the public learning ahead. (#etmooc)