Taking the leap

I read these inspiring words from a Fresh Minds Matter photo. It speaks to how I am feeling right now as I write my first ever blog post! :) “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must but take the step.” (Gemmastone.org)

I am taking the step, it feels more like a leap. Correction, it feels like I am flying without a safety net. Whose bright idea was this?  I am putting myself out there for friends and strangers around the world to get to know me, judge me, like me, agree or disagree with me, teach me, scare me, and push me. As Brene Brown would say, Wow the gremlins are loud…

Who is going to read your blog?

What do you have to say that is interesting?

What kind of contributions can you make to the world of education?

What if you are too vulnerable and your posts get stomped on?

Stranger Danger!

I will spare you from anymore negative thoughts, but you get the point… I guess anything new is scary, but couple those feelings with my posts being a reflection of who I am, its enough to make you hit Cancel Post.

Exploring with blogging adds another layer to my understanding and knowledge with and of technology. I know okay – some of you have been at this for years! I am a late bloomer. Isn’t it better late than never though? If I told you where my experience with technology was about 8 months ago, I like to think you’d be cheering that I have come as far as I have.

#Serendipity, #blessed, #thankyou to my “tech genius” who gave me the tap on the shoulder and took me under his wing. Initially, I thought “why me?” and responded reluctantly to his invitations to learn. I thought he would bring me on board with this tech stuff and leave me to sink or swim. I don’t like failure. With his perseverance, my walls starting coming down and the journey to get here, to blogging became less about learning the ins and outs of technology and more about developing friendships with people who share similar teaching pedagogies. These people have helped me get to a place where I think I am ready to give back, to start contributing to the online world of learning.  A secondary outcome became classroom skyping, kinderchat# on twitter, face timing teachers from around Canada, smart albums, technology conferences. The “how tos of it all.” Pleasantly surprised, I was getting more than I ever imagined or expected – ways to become a better teacher by bringing learning to life, and friends, near and far, who make me a better person.

As a side note, I am hoping with #etmooc that I can start to give back to my ‘tech genius’ and my online community and the communities in which I interact on a daily basis. I am a quiet learner. I am listener, but when I have something to say, you’ll hear about it, loud and passionately.


I did it… now do I take the plunge and click Publish post?  Keep in mind swiftyspeaks: if this doesn’t go well, I never have to do it again :)