Temple Made

An Owl is…

T’was the night after graduation when all through the house, I was the only one stirring, no sign of a mouse. Graduation — it was an eventful day of speeches, hellos, goodbyes, a much anticipated Skype conversation and celebrations. When night fell like a blanket over our peaceful house nesting two partied-out toddlers and a helluva supportive husband, I found myself in a sleepless state. My mind talked to me in words that made me giddy hearing them for a second time, “…an owl is not an animal mascot,” chirped the words from a keynote speaker at the ceremony.

The Baptist – where it began

I felt like an owl, heck, I was practicing the art of being nocturnal and (let me tell you) I was fighting the urge for a midnight snack, too. Perhaps adrenaline flew me to the top of my heap. As one thought seamlessly threaded into another I realized I was warping into the concept that has driven Temple to the cornerstone of its success, “… forever proud of where they came from and where they’re going.” I was listening to my mind process the information – TEMPLE MADE – and it was magnificent to let it unfold like an owl swooping down on its prey at midnight with purpose and deliverance. After I was finally able to catch some much needed z’s, I woke up poised and ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow…Today. I will forever be grateful for the connections I’ve made during my journey. I have made this place my home and in return I am TEMPLE MADE.