Technology is Like a Bag of Chips

At the beginning of every new year, I try to find a word to define how I would like to live the next year of my life.  The idea is Ali Edwards’ and is described really well at this link (  The word that I selected for myself was “present”.  My life has been so busy that I felt that I was not being present for my family.  I was becoming so distracted that I was not living and listening in the moment with them.

Why would I mention this word when talking about technology and chips?  Is there anything that you ever binge on?  Do ever discover something so new and yummy that you cannot get enough of it?  Well, here is a little confession for you.  I find potato chips very yummy that I cannot have them in my house or else I will binge on them until they are gone.  I am not being present as I consume those chips to remind myself that they are not the best thing for me.

I had been resistant to getting a Facebook account many years ago until I finally gave in.  Once I got an account, I was on there all the time consuming all that it had to offer. Oh, I also have a Pinterest account and a paper crafting blog (  However, as my grad course kicks into high gear, I now have an educational discovery blog, a twitter account, Diigo account, and I belong to the #etmooc learning community.  At first, it was overwhelming but now I want to binge on all this technology which I am afraid will consume my time.  I know that I will be learning a lot and I am excited about it.

So as I venture into the world of technology and learning,  I have to remind myself to remain balanced and to be present for my family.