Week 1 Recap: Getting organized

It’s the end of #etmooc orientation week and, for the most part, I think I’ve got myself sorted with the help of several tech tools:

  • WordPress.com:  After registering for #etmooc, I started this blog to reflect on all the cool and exciting things I’ll learn in the next 10 weeks.  I chose WordPress over other weblog publishing tools because I appreciate the clean and professional aesthetic of many of the templates.  The  dashboard is not always user friendly but a quick YouTube tutorial is usually all I need to get me back on track.
  • Evernote:  Oh how love thee!  I created a brand new stack of notebooks where I’ll stash links to articles & blog posts; save tweets that inspire me; jot down fresh new ideas to try; clip provocative G+conversations…and much, much more.
  • HootSuite:  Unfortunately, twitter chats happen while I’m at work…boohoo.  I saved both the #etmooc and #etmchat hashtags – displayed side-by-side – so that I can still participate in conversations during my bus ride home.
  • Google Reader:  I added the #etmooc & BlogHub to my otherwise empty Reader.  To be honest, I’d rather use Flipboard for this since that’s where I do most of my weblog reading but for some reason, the BlogHub RSS wouldn’t cooperate.  Oh well, such is life.
  • Blackboard Collaborate:  I downloaded the app to my iPad for those rare occasions when I don’t have to work and can log into a session.  Thank goodness for archived sessions!
  • Google+:   My self-introduction post led to new connections with other information professionals, including Heather Martin, who created a G+ circle specifically for #etmooc librarians – yippee!

MOOCS can often feel overwhelming so I tried to weave  #etmooc into my existing streams of information, making it easier to connect and engage.  Which tech tools have you found useful while organizing your #etmooc experience?