Hoarding, curating and sharing

Someone described themselves as a “hoarder” of information online in an earlier blog post.  (Sorry I wish I could remember who said that.  Must work on tagging.) That sent off loudly ringing bells in my head.  I, too, am a hoarder, although I don’t mean to keep everything to myself.  I collect to share.  The sticking point is, what’s the best way to share?  With a colleague, I started a PLN at my school which worked really well for many years to bring us together, share ideas, and work through projects.  I love working on professional development with teachers so we can grow together.  But I still haven’t found a truly effective way to share online.

I have great education/teaching/tech information scattered all over the place.  It’s even semi-organized (thanks to Dropbox and Livebinders).  After the session yesterday on collaborating and curating ( Introduction to Social Curation ) I am even more determined to figure out how to improve my skills of curation and sharing.  My particular concern is reaching teachers who don’t feel that they have the time and energy to go online and interact with others.  How can I streamline and simplify access to great stuff for the very dedicated and hardworking teachers I’ve worked with?  In particular, I work with a group of teachers on SmartLearning (http://www.smartlearning.ca/) and have tried a few different ways to create a community online.  I am reinspired to try and redesign online access for them.  (Any suggestions?  We have a blog and Facebook page/group but they’re not very active.)

Another facet to this is streamlining my information flow.  I loved Deb Seed’s “Coping with Information Overflow” http://debseed.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/revision-99/#comment-134 and my next immediate goal is to modify it for myself and then actual do it!  Thanks, Deb.

So, goals for now:  organize all my great resources and information, start putting it out there more effectively, create a workflow system for myself, and work more on the online SmartLearning community.