Enlightened and Energized by #etmooc

Now this is Online Learning! I can tell, because my brain is exploding!


I took part in my second live session with etmooc yesterday. This one was on connected learning. So I have to say that it felt great to be connecting with other like mind individuals. The ideas flowing out of Alec Couros reinforced by links from Alison Seamen made for something like a mind meld from those old Star Trek shows.


But all kidding aside it really was great. And so are the many posts and ideas coming from my fellow participants. I have taken many online classes over the last couple years. Most have just been structured content based courses. Basically just pushing paper across the net. Nothing but a normal class room substitute. But this feels different. My PLN has expanded greatly. I have gained new motivation to blog. I’m developing my curation process using Evernote. No other class has ever pushed me to do this kind of personal upgrade. Im ready for more. Bring it on!

And to my fellow etmooc participants. Do you feel this way? What has been the experience so far for you? Am I coming down with something? Please let me know with comments.