Curation using Evernote and Twitter

I’ve been expanding my personal learning network recently using Twitter. The amount of helpful information I am able to find posted by people I follow is substantial.


I have been collecting all the wonderful software tools and websites mentioned to use in research papers, and blog posts. The problem I had in the past though, was what to do with all those tweets and links to blogs and web pages. Since I’m usually using my iPhone, I would just send the links to Safari then save them to my reading list. Then eventually, I would go through the reading list and send each page to Evernote. Evernote is great for organizing all your bits of information, but you need to find an efficient work flow to get all the stuff in there. My way of doing things was proving to be slow and non productive.

Then I discovered that you could send tweets and their links directly to Evernote.Thanks to the Evernote-Twitter integration, you can easily capture the tweets you like: your own or those showing up in your stream.

Twitter evernotew:copright

Evernote now lets you send public Twitter messages, and private Direct Messages, right into your Evernote account for searchable, permanent safekeeping. It’s called myEN, and here’s how it works.

First, you’ll need an Evernote account. The basic plan is free. Theres also a premium plan.

  1. Follow myEN on Twitter
  2. myEN will follow you back, and send you a Direct Message with a link
  3. Click the link, sign into Evernote, and connect your Evernote and Twitter accounts

How to use it:

For Public tweets: Add @myEN to the body of any public tweet.

For Direct Messages: Send a DM to myEN to create a new note in Evernote.

You can also: Retweet something you like and add @myEN to save it into Evernote.

That all you need to do. Now all those great tweets and links from twitter can be organized and used for research, lesson planning, or  blog postings.

Not using Evernote yet? Not sure why you need it, or how to use it?  Kasey Fleisher Hickey on the Evernote blog discusses 9 Things to capture from your Twitter stream. Don Inbody has a great post about how he uses Evernote to organize his research.

I’m expecting this new workflow to save me lots of time, while also keeping me organized. I hope this post was helpful to you. Leave me a comment and let me know how you organize all your stuff.