I can’t do it all, and that’s OK

I’ve just been reading ghkcole’s #etmooc blog Do Something, quoting Dean Shareski ‘Don’t feel guilty if you don’t do everything – only feel guilty if you don’t do anything‘. A quote and post that I am really glad I read and one that I too need to remind myself of regularly. I often beat myself up that I haven’t done enough, instead of focusing on what I have done. I should create a poster and put it up near my desk, not just for me, but for my colleagues.

Certainly, today I probably should be spending more time focussing on what I need to do to prepare for the school year starting next Tuesday, but reading and replying to #etmooc posts is more interesting at the moment. The reality is that I did do quite a bit of preparation at the start of the holidays, so it will be OK. The essentials are done, it’s just the extras and they can wait. That being said, being involved in the #etmooc is a great start to the school year and I am full of plans to use the ideas and tools that I have learnt about or consolidated through my involvement.