The journey begins…

Graceful Entrance

Graceful Entrance (Photo credit: darren-johnson)


I’m stepping out of my comfort zone here folks, but without spreading one’s wings, one’s falling backwards!  I’ve been a lurker for awhile now – time to actively participate!  I’m a transplanted Canuck from the Great White North now living in the Great State of Texas.  In my previous  life I was a Nurse Educator.  I am now teaching computers to elementary school children and helping my teachers integrate digital skills into their core curriculum.  How did that happen??  It’s been great!

I learned about ETMOOC on twitter and here I am.  So far, I’ve  joined the etmooc community and twitter list,I’ve started this blog, attended 2 orientation sessions twitter (which was great) and social creation and even submitted a video for Alec Couros’ lupdub!!  Whoop!

My goal is to participate daily in some fashion – tweeting, posting in etmooc community or on this blog or attending a session.  I need to find me some peeps who focus on digital skills in the elementary subgroup.  Anybody out there?

I feel I’m working in the trenches and many of the participants are academics…looking to all you all to help me integrate the digital experience into the core curriculum.

BTW, 79 degrees in Dallas today…just saying:)