The sense of self, how a MOOC can make or undermine you

Reblogged from Experiments in the world of moocery:

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I’ve been blogging about the difficulties of Connectivist MOOCing, and about the pluses, and Christoph Hewett’s tweet helped synthesise a clatter of complex thoughts that had been rattling around my head for a few days.

A quick apology

I’ve been thinking about technovice’s and how they might be coping. About MOOC completion rates and complaints of being lost. In thi spost, I want to talk about problems, and solutions, and pick out some people and practices for praise.

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After discussing the tweet with @chrstophHewett and @wilthatman in the #etmchat last night – I have been thinking about it all day.  This post articulates much better than I ever could some of the thoughts that have been running through my mind. Thank you!

It does not matter is the learners are in virtual or in physical spaces “failing to provide the space your learners need to achieve is to fail those learners who need you most to succeed”….