Lifelong learning

There’s so many things I want to do, the type of person I want to be.  All I have to do is remind myself of my New Year’s Resolutions less than a month ago:

  • Lose 30 pounds (diet, exercise, no caffeine)
  • Educate myself  (Coursera, reading, crafting)
  • Freer from debt

. . . and, it’s not yet February and have little to show for it.  I can say I haven’t had any caffeine, so there’s that.

But I do think I’m getting somewhere with the “educating myself” goal.  Right now, I’m involved in a class with David Loertscher about creating a virtual learning commons, an ed tech massive open online course – #etmooc, an Advanced Power Searching class with Google, and next week I start a Coursera class in philosophy and a face-to-face class with my local AEA.

And yes, I realize that I’m probably setting my sites too high.  But I really would rather do this than the alternative!  (Plus, I’ve found a new goal for schooling . . . in a few years, anyway.)

I think it’s important as a teacher librarian that my students and coworkers see me always trying to better myself.  Especially in a small district, we absolutely have to reach out to educate ourselves.  I know there’s a lot I’m not doing right . . . but I am always trying to learn more.

What are you doing to keep learning?

thinker“Le Penseur.”  Retrieved online from the Library of Congress.