Who Do I Follow?

As I recently considered who to follow, I found myself reading blogs and getting more overwhelmed. I felt unfocused in my venture. However, as I sifted through the sea of blogs and skimmed and moved on, I found a commonality in the blogs I invested time in to read.

That commonality has served as a starting point for me.

The blogs I was attracted to reading were not those where I found the subject matter all that interesting. I did not find that the blogs I read were those of other graphic designers turned instructional design students. I did not even find that those I read were instructors of adults.

So what was it that got me hooked and willing to invest the time in a full read?

The blogs that I found the most interesting were those where the author had a distinctive style of writing. I would call that style concrete, focused and therefore instructive! I could understand the major points and the writing was organized. What a pleasant surprise to stumble upon this unexpected realization! 

I now have a starting point. This adult learner needs a certain delivery method in order to learn and connect. I shall continue to seek out writers with that style and that will be my starting point.

What an unexpected surprise to find a way to make sense in the madness!