A Simple Digital Story

Digital storytelling is the telling of stories that are made accessible through a form of media.  The stories may consist of images, music, animation, text or all of the above.

There are many resources out there that explore Digital storytelling and my #etmooc assignment is to pick and choose the ones that interest me and start telling stories!

My digital story comes from my first time experience using skype in the grade 1 classroom.

I had read about the benefits of skyping on twitter and thought it sounded like a neat idea.  I am all for developing relationships and learning from others around the world.  So, I committed to skyping by writing it in my professional growth plan. The best thing about doing that was I had to create a timeline on how I was going to make it happen.  It forced me to step beyond thinking, “Yeah, I think I’d like to do that,” to “I better make a plan on how I’m going to do this.” After that, I just did it.

Now for the story on how you can do it too.

I will tell the story using just six words. Ok,ready? Here it is…

Ask people. Face computer. No fear.

And, that about sums up the experience.  I also like…

She had to believe she could.

If you want to tell your own 6 word story, here’s the link where I read some examples on how to write 6 word stories: http://www.sixwordstories.net/about/