Follow up to the six word challenge.

I made a comment that I would put up the video I made of last years run season.  Again I think back stories work here since for the most part we are a world community that few actually know who I am.  I was born crippled.  The disorder would take up two lines of this blog and seriously I can’t even spell it without looking at my medical chart. 

So in short, I had 12 surgries before I was 2 years old.  The doctors all but one, told my parents that it would be a mirical if I could walk.  One man, changed not only my parents lives but mine, he promised my parents that one day I could walk, I would look normal from the knees down and have mostly full function of my legs.  However the stimplualteion with the experimetnal surgires, was he could not promise much esle.  Ultimately I have two reconstructed legs from the knees down, including metal plates, rods, screws, (literally have a hardware store in both legs from the knees down).  Thus why my Ditigal Story was what is was.  “I started.  I will finish.” 

Running isn’t easy, somedays it is worse than others.  I have had phycially challenge teams try to recurit me for wheelchair racing.  Politely I declined.  I have been in and out of a wheel chair part of my life.  It brings great joy to stand, to walk, and now to run.  Its about conquering the odds.  Stepping out our boxes, much what we do with Edcuational Technology. 

Nothing is impossible unless you don’t try.
Here are a few of my favoriates … my FULL Marathon Medal is in my car  reminds me everday if we see the impossible it can HAPPEN!
I mentioned in my last post about Digital Story Telling there are a world possibilities.  I work in a faith based school.  We are working wtih several students on a Challenged Based Learning Project revolving around thier faith.  This was my video.  My own personal Digital Story of my hurdles and trimupts.  I am now into season two of my running.  3 weeks ago I finished my first full marathon (something I will never do again, I am happy I started and happy I finished.) The greatest thing about all of this is the support from not only friends and family but even those who only know parts of my story.  Digital Story Telling is about leading somone – your viewer in a way that allows them to emotionally and visually expierence what you want them to.  And to get them to step out of their comfort zone to help others create a world that is better for us all.  Now before I post.  I am not one to share things openly, but needless to say if my story can inspire others then I am happy to do so. 
Here is the backstory to my backstory of my Digital Story (oh FYI … HUGE DISNEY FAN)!  Ask question if you would like.  I enjoy talking about my story, even though at one point in my life being me was soemthing I was not all too proud of.  Thanks to my parents and family for always encouraging their little “bionic girl” to do everything she ever wanted.  Enjoy the video.