Falling off the Wagon and Late Reflections

Well, I have fallen off the bandwagon. I have not been doing very much in the means of #etmooc lately and it actually makes me quite sad. I guess marking finals and semester turn-around will do that to you. Luckily, I have next week off for Winter Break!!

I have not reflected on the last couple of sessions that I “attended” but I fell that now would still be a good time. The last session I attended was “Advanced Blogging” with Sue Waters and during the session, I learned that I apparently have the skills to be an advanced blogger…minus the ability to remember to actually sign on and write something. For this, I have to thank Alec Couros and the ECMP 355 course that I took my very first semester at the University of Regina.

This class was where my love for technology really started. Although I have been a bit of a come-and-go user of most things we were exposed to, this is where I started on Twitter, blogging, wikis, and all sorts of other digital media. I even made some pretty cheesy videos back then. Since then, I would like to say that  I have grown in my use of technology and (hope) that I use it more effectively.