Out and about with the iPads

We started the week in Yr 7 with the “Angles in the Real world’ task. Out in the yard looking for examples of different types of angles, including complementary and supplementary angles to photograph was not only an engaging activity for the students, but valuable formative assessment.  Comments such as “I can’t find a complementary angle’ ”I’m not sure if this is a supplementary angle’, ‘Which ones are the complementary angles’ and ‘Is that a reflex?’ gave insight into which students were still unsure. As well as on the spot discussions, I grouped these students together the next lesson for review. Their next task was to overlay the photos with accurate angle measures using the field protractor app and then put together a presentation. They were allowed to make their own decision about which presentation app to use, though I suggested iMovie and Keynote as possibilities. There was plenty of collaboration between the students, pointing out photo opportunities, teaching others how to use particular apps and making suggestions about suitable presentation apps. Only 2 of the presentations, both movies, have been submitted so far, as they aren’t due until tomorrow. These were both uploaded to Edmodo, which was another thing that they had to learn how to do. One of the students posted an note thanking others for teaching him how to do it. I’m looking forward to seeing what the others come up with.

The presentation instructions required them to explain, or give the rules, eg. Acute angles are bigger than 0 degrees and smaller than 90 degrees along with their example photos. So far only one of the 2 students has included this. So, it’s clear, but not surprising, that some students will need some help to produce work for a wider audience, not just their teacher. The aim is for their presentations to demonstrate not just what they know, but to teach others the how and why.