A story with POP!

It has been fun to experiment with digital storytelling. I had fun with popcorn

A little story to share. But what did I learn – (thinking about digital literacy after today’s talk by Doug Belshaw).

Be patient – skills learned before transfer to new situations. This was my cognitive aspect kicking in.
I wanted to communicate an idea.
There is definitely a cultural context.
I constructed a video before remixing it via popcorn
Definitely an ounce of creativity.
One part of the message was about friendship – a message about good citizenship – sharing a place where young and old play music together (and not in the video – CAMMAC functions in French and English and no one cares, or knows for that matter, whether you are a doctor or a secretary).
I was not afraid to get my digital fingers into the “pie” and mess around – a bit of confidence.
And sitting back I have a better idea of what popcorn can do – and will think critically about how it fits into what I want students doing.