Digital Narratives and Literacy – thoughts now (subject to change)

#etmooc is continuing and I am really enjoying the experience of connecting with people all over the world, as well as having the push to be creative myself rather than looking at what it is that my students can do with tools – I am having playtime first.

We are about to move on to looking at Digital Literacy, and at this point I haven’t had a chance to watch the archived session/s, so this is where I am today. Subject to change.

I don’t think of digital literacy as one thing. To me it can’t be. It is too big. W-A-Y too big. As an English teacher it is hard enough to think of literacy in one dimensional terms. At one point in the past it would have been possible, but as my previous post showed, things have moved along a bit since then.

For the moment I am going to go with this:

Digital Narratives are created using Digital Literacies, probably. Perhaps.

I am really looking forward to working my way through the new topic, and continuing to have playtime of my own, even if the playtime is the evolution of my ideas.