Standing at the EdTech (Cake) Buffet

cake buffet, cake, buffet, dessert, pie, banana cake


Have you ever stood at the desert table of a buffet and wanted to sample everything?  We usually have a friend who can divide and conquer the entire table with us.  After all, you do not want to carry two plates of desert by yourself.  So why am I talking about a desert buffet and technology in the same breath?

Well, I have been standing at the edtech  buffet for well over three weeks trying to decide what my EDCI 591 Learning and Technology Project will be.  I do not currently have a classroom so it is difficult to decide on something that will be applicable to my practice as a college instructor.  I have been thinking of three different projects.

  1. Creating a wiki for math courses taught at the college that I work.  It could include resources for students like the one the University of British Columbia for their courses.
  2. Teach myself and future educators how to use iMovie to create resources to teach math in English and Kwak’wala.  Or teach iMovie to you so they may create digital stories to share with their community.
  3. Learn Prezi so I may use it for a 90 minute presentation of an academic paper I wrote last summer.  This presentation is on March 14.

As I decide which project is the the best one, I have to consider my first post of being present for my family.  Lately, I have not been present or balanced in my life.  So the project I select must have that in mind.  As I look at the list, it is obvious to me now which of the three projects makes the most sense for me.  I am incredibly busy with family, school work, civic duties, and work that this project cannot be an add on.  Therefore, I will learn Prezi.  I have my doubts that this is the best platform for my presentation but I will soon discover if it is a perfect fit.

Is there a different tech tool that you would suggest?

So, I end this post with my initial reference to cake.  Funny how food seems to be a metaphor for my adventure with technology.  I have moved from the saltiness of chips to the sweetness of cake which I think is appropriate.  If I am going to invest myself, time and energy into a project, it should be a sweet thing to devour.

Bon appetit,
