Curating: My passion

As I work on my project, Content Curation, for my EDCI 515 course, I realize that I have found my true calling within the realm of technology:  it is the joy of curating.  For the last few years, I have been bookmarking my favorite sites, Youtube clips, and any other useful information for my French, Japanese, and English classes.  Because my files under bookmarks were getting so immensely large and I was only able to access them if I had my computer on hand, it was becoming cumbersome.   It took forever to look up a site that I needed for a teachable moment.  Thankfully, after viewing Jeff Heil’s (@jheil65) ETMOOC session, where he talked about curation, I have realized there are better ways to “save” information.  The list goes on for cloud curation, but some of my favorites, so far, are Scoopit, Symabloo, Evernote and Diigo.  So, I have found myself, in the last few weeks of our EDCI 515 course, playing around with these tools.  My partner in this journey, Melissa Marsh (@mellohmars), has found her favorites to be Learnist, Storify and Pearltrees.  Near the end of March, Melissa and I will share our discoveries, focusing on the reasons for curation, the best tools, and other salient information all of which may save time in and contribute to your learning journey.

Here’s a link to a rough copy of our learning plan that we submitted to our professor, Valerie Irvine (@_valeriei), in January.