Learning Prezi

Well, I have decided to learn Prezi for a number of reasons.  Here is just the beginning of the list.

  1. It seems flashy and more fun than PowerPoint.  Movement and fun are two ingredients for engagement.
  2. Future presentation on March 14 and a presentation for EDCI 515.
  3. Good tool to have in my professional toolbox.
  4. Teach my 10 year old daughter that PowerPoint in not the only way to present her learning.  How can my daughter get on-board with a new way of presenting her learning if I am not also willing to try something new.

So far, I have signed up for a Prezi account and verified it.  I have started watching the tutorials.  I am excited that the template ideas may act as metaphors for your presentation.  Now that is fun!  I also like the idea that I can embed videos within the Prezi as well.

The rubber band ball that I selected represents my excitement and trepidation of learning a new technology.  I am excited to unravel each elastic as I learn but know that it will take time to really know everything about Prezi.  I am not that patient and want to be an expert right away.


Wish me luck.
