You Never Know Where You Will Be Inspired …

I have been grappling with keeping up with my blog. Today was the day I was to blog. I set this as a goal. Put it on the to-do list. So I went on my way, thinking I would multi-task and post to my blog while getting a mani/pedi. I didn’t feel any particular inspiration as I set out.

As I entered the nail salon, laptop in hand, I sat down next to the most interesting lovely women. I did not realize that our very brief exchange, while our feet soaked in the tub, would inspire me.

I felt compelled to talk to this women because she was striking to me. She was working on her IPad with her feet soaking in the pedi tub. Working it like a native. I was struck by her advanced age, using such innovative technology. I judged her to be older than my father, who is a very young 73. My father uses technology only in his work environment and only because they require him to have a computer at his desk. The GPS, digital camera, cell phone and home computer remain in the original packaging. And so I wanted to know more about this older women with an IPad and IPhone.

She is 77 (with a 57-year old boyfriend she met online). As I sat next to her I couldnt help but strike up a coversation. “You have an IPad?” I asked, without boundaries. Something about her was very approachable and I felt it was safe to question her and be nosy.

“Oh yes, and an IPhone, Kindle and HP PC at home. I love technology!”

“Really?” I asked with a smile. I told her about my Dad and we both laughed.

She got me thinking. I wondered if she were new to the acquistion and use of these tools. How does a 77-year old women come to be so comfortable with this technology?

“Did you come to find these devices later in life, or was your use slow and steady?” I asked.

“I am comfortable with computers. I went to school to learn computers.”

She got me thinking.

“Did you get your Bachelors?” I probed.

“Yes, in Computer Science, at 44, with all sorts of children at home, while working full-time. My boss was so good to me. He used to let me do my homework on Saturdays in the office and pay me. I had teenagers at home and couldn’t get anything done. He was so good to me. Even paid for my degree.”

I stopped thinking and became inspired.

She went on to tell me about how determined she was to learn, that it took 6 years to get her degree. The more people that said she couldn’t do this, the harder she tried to prove them wrong. She told me all this with a big smile and positive attitude as she played with her IPhone. She went on to tell me that of all the computer languages she learned (and she named them all) were obsolete, with the exception of a couple.

“So that explains your comfort with technology!” I felt so proud that I had figured out the riddle!

I love to learn, I still take courses at Massasoit. It is free you know if you are over 60?”

There must be 30 people in the class or the class is cancelled she told me with disappointment. Her sign language class was cancelled due to lack of registrants.

I told her she was a life-long learner and asked if I could blog about her for a course I was taking.

“Sure, I dont care. I dont blog or tweet, but I do post to FaceBook!” She said it rapid-fire, as if she blurted those words out on a daily basis.

I could have talked with her all day, but she went on to the mani part of the process and I stayed in the pedi. Our exchange was done, but she left me with such a great feeling about adult learners and the joy mutually experienced when two learners talk passionately about learning.

She was an inspiration as she left me with, “You are as old as you feel.”

I thanked her for that and told her I needed to hear that as I am in the last year of my forties and back at school in an effort to change careers.

You never know where you will be inspired …