Pluggin’ Along….

Spring Break is here!  I love this time of the year….Spring, and then my favourite season…Summer.  I always feel so encouraged and motivated when I can get outside to play more often, I truly love warm weather!  Many of my colleagues are travelling to distant places this spring break in search of sun and warmth, I’m green with envy!  Next year this time my plan is to go on holidays to someplace warm.   I can’t help but wish I was there with them now….instead…I’m pluggin’ along on my tech courses getting assignments almost completed and reflecting on how far I’ve come these past few months learning these 21st Century technologies.  I’m pretty impressed with myself.

As you may recall, I’m learning the Classroom Suite software by IntelliTools.  I’m quite enjoying learning this software, the more I play with it, the more I realize it can do.  Today I am planning a lesson which brought me to the Ministry of Ed website to look up PLO’s.  As I am not a classroom teacher (I do assistive tech support in the school system) things like lesson plans do not just fall out of the air for me…I have to research, look it up and plan….it is good practice!  I’m putting together a lesson to share with a teacher and a SEA I am working with in order to demonstrate to them the power and usefulness of Classroom Suite for this particular student.  If the lesson goes together as I anticipate, this will be the first one I share out on the Activity Exchange!  Kinda scary putting myself out there this quickly and so soon, however, I feel I should just DO IT!  There’s no better time to start than NOW!!  Yup, warmer weather and the thought of Spring around the corner has given me that little bit extra of self esteem to tackle these last few assignments and GET IT DONE!

Stay tuned…there’s more to come!  Please feel free to leave me a comment!