
As I’m sitting here working away on my final assignments in my tech courses, I can’t help to stop thinking about my learning journey with the massive online open course I am participating in….ETMOOC.  I realized today that my UVIC tech courses will be ending within a few weeks and I’m feeling…..well….kind of sad….it’s coming to an end soon.

I’ve really started to feel like I belong to this online community, the connections I’ve made through Twitter and through blogging has really made me appreciate how much I’ve learned.  The people I’ve met and the conversations I’ve followed really has had an impact on my professional development.  A good impact.  I feel like I have many people I can turn to now when I have “What if” or “How can I” questions…and the people out there are sooo willing to help!  What a truly giving community of caring people.  I like being in this community.  I like this space.  I like what I’ve learned and I know, I am going to like what I will learn!

What does success look like for me with participating in this ETMOOC?  Well, for me, I think my success can be seen as my desire to continue with MOOC’s.  I’m getting better at finding them out there and have already penciled in my calendar ones that will be starting soon.  Even though my UVIC courses are ending soon, doesn’t mean my learning ends there too.  I now know I have this community that I’ve been introduced to that will be my support and my strength in going forward with my learning.  So, I guess I shouldn’t feel sad about my UVIC courses coming to an end, rather I should feel happy and embrace the new opportunities I am going to experience.  I am eagerly waiting to participate in some tech MOOC’s in the near future.  What a grand time it is to be involved with 21st Century learning!  Please feel free to leave me a comment and let me know of any MOOC’s you are aware of beginning in the near future.  Thanks!
