iBooks Author….so much more than a textbook

A clear aim with the introduction of iBooks Author was to transform the creation and distribution of textbooks in education. This may be true, but there are many more applications for this software.  For my EDCI 591 Learning and Integrating Technology assignment I have been learning about e-books and how to navigate iBooks Author (create, customize and publish).  The goal is to learn how to competently use this tool and integrate iBooks Author into my literacy instruction.

With iBooks Author teachers can create materials that their students can use with their iPads.  Learning the software, while creating a relevant classroom resource is a great first step.   Book publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Pearson and Houghton Mifflin have started to create textbooks and capitalize on this expanding market. But educators do not have to wait because they can create their own interactive resources for their students.  This application is only limited to the time and resourcefulness that the creator is willing to invest.

I have spent the last couple months learning iBooks Author. I recommend not getting too carried away. Start with the basics then jump right in with the students.  There is no shame when the teacher’s learning is one step ahead of the students.  Teacher’s learning can happen simultaneously with the students.  For example, when I first taught the application Keynote to my students I wasn’t an expert, but I did know how enough to get them started.  As we (teacher and students) experimented and questions arose we learned the program together.  If I didn’t know the answer, often other students had already figured it out. If not I asked my colleagues at work or researched online.

Although teacher created and published resources are very valuable, I feel that iBooks Author true effectiveness lies with the books the students develop.  So what can students create using the  iBooks Author application?  The obvious choice is to have students create their own interactive  iBook.  They could create story books, textbooks or a presentation.  This application could be used in any subject area.  Students could create books to display, showcase their work or it could be used as an assessment tool to demonstrate that they have met specific learning goals and requirements.

Books can be made individually, in a small group or as an entire class project depending on teacher preference.  Even primary students are able to use this application. Check out this iBook created by a grade 3 class, Students are Stars with iBooks Author.  The age and capabilities of your class will really determine the book they make.

I wonder if iBooks Author would be a suitable platform for a digital portfolio? If anybody has any thoughts please comment.