
My learning journey with Classroom Suite by IntelliTools has been anything but boring!  In my last post I indicated I was looking up the PLO’s for the lesson I am planning.  Wowzers!  Looking them up was a challenge in itself!  So many outcomes to read through, so many pages of text, and what’s up with that silly database anyhow??!!  I sure can see why there is a movement to reduce the number of outcomes in the education system!  I think I figured out the PLO’s I was looking for.

After watching a bunch more archived learning sessions/webinars for Classroom Suite, I totally realize this software is really, really, incredibly big and powerful.  I’m not sure if I’ve seen anyone use all the features that are available in it in my line of work just yet.  I can also see how I am going to need to continue to learn the software even though my EDCI591 class is coming to an end in the next week.  My plans of uploading my lesson plan to the Activity Exchange site is going to take me a bit longer to prepare than I had anticipated as now I am aware of all the tips and tricks I need to ensure I include in my up-loadable activity.  I am a bit of a perfectionist, so uploading a lesson that I am not entirely pleased with is a no-no in my books.  It will be uploaded in the near future, stay tuned for that.  I am still planning on making a number of activities to share, so I do believe in making a quality product as my first one.  I want to build a bunch of resources to share and have people pleased and happy to use my lessons and activities.  You never know…there may be a job in it for me in the long run….

Cheers, Nadia